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How to Minimise the Costs of Air Conditioning Repair Services and Save Energy This Summer

Optimising Your Air Conditioning System

Living within the beautiful Australian climate is seen as a privilege around the world, enjoying warm Summer days while experiencing the refreshingly cool change of chilly Winter nights. However, these conditions can become difficult to function in each day and to make sure we can live comfortably each day, we rely heavily upon our air conditioners to regulate the conditions in which we live. 

Whether ducted air or split system installation is desired, we Australians treasure our air conditioners more than we realise, and this is reflected in the large proportion that our heating and cooling requirements command of our electricity bills. Nonetheless, the expert team at Gold Class Air can assist you in optimising your air conditioning system this summer, providing you with high-quality products, installation, and an air conditioning repair service to suit your individual needs, whether residential, industrial or commercial. 

Split System Air Conditioner Installation

The Benefits of Installing A Split System in Your Home

Split system air conditioner installation is a cost-effective air conditioning solution that centralises the heating or cooling of a building into one room or area of a property. Utilising a single outdoor unit that is connected to an indoor unit, the aircon installation of this system affords the user greater autonomy of preferences, enabling one component of a property to hold a different temperature to another. With the ability to install up to 8 indoor units to heat or cool several sections of a property, these units may be sized individually to meet the specifications of your property, a unique feature of this aircon installation. 

With ducts not required for this system of air conditioning, split systems require a relatively simple installation process without major disruptions to your property. Favourably too, the presence of a central outdoor unit enables greater flexibility of choice for internal units, with several choices of spit system installation allowing you to customise your unit to fit seamlessly into the aesthetic of your home’s interior. 

Most significantly, the inexpensive installation and operation of a split system air conditioner installation offers unparalleled cost savings, using 58% less energy than alternative systems with fixed speeds, and operating at a cost of 10 cents each hour. For an energy-efficient, cost-saving air conditioning system, look no further than split system installation. 

How You Can Save On Electricity Bills And Repair Services This Summer

While financial constraints, time, and effort expenditure prove crucial reasons that homeowners and business operators neglect air conditioning problems, addressing these issues before their incidence will reduce the time, money and effort that these issues create in the long term. To ensure that your air conditioning unit operates efficiently and avoids problematic interruptions, we have used our years of expertise in aircon installation and air conditioning repair services to compile the following steps that will save you money and effort in resolving long-term issues. 

Regular Professional and Personal Maintenance 

To ensure your air conditioning system encounters minimal issues, we recommend you undertake regular personal maintenance of your system while scheduling yearly inspections of your system by a professional HVAC company. A common reason for your air conditioning unit to operate inefficiently is the clogging of its filters, which also poses a health hazard to the people within the vicinity. By ensuring that your filters are cleaned every month, you minimise the risk of inefficient operation and can reduce the costs of aircon repair service by completing this regular maintenance at your convenience. 

Regulate Light Sources 

Whilst the relief that comes with turning on the air conditioning on a hot summer evening is unmatched, reducing the amount of light within your home in the summer months is an effective way to minimise the cooling required by your air con installation. Simple steps of ensuring doors and windows are closed in summer months reduce the strain on your air conditioning unit, and similarly, increasing the light sources within your home in winter months can reduce the need for extensive heating. These steps are vital in reducing your energy bills and ensuring you minimise the cost of air conditioning repair services.

Temperature Control

Carefully managing the temperature of your air conditioning unit is a simple yet effective way to reduce your air conditioning repair service costs and energy consumption. We recommend installing a programmable thermostat, which ensures your air conditioning unit operates efficiently by keeping your property at a consistent temperature. By limiting the cooling temperature between 21-25 degrees celsius in Summer and heating temperature between 18-20 degrees celsius in Winter, you reduce the strain on your split system installation unit and minimise the need for an air conditioning repair service.

Save On Air Conditioner Repairs

Do You Require An Air Conditioning Repair Service or Split System Installation? Get in Contact with Gold Class Air for a Cost-Effective Solution!

Equipped with this knowledge, you can guarantee that you will save money on your next aircon installation or air conditioning repair service.

The air conditioning repair service that you require depends upon the specific system that you have, so our specialist team of air conditioning professionals will always offer a personalised servicing plan to meet the requirements of your air conditioning system. Plus, our talented team of air conditioning repair service professionals attends each site with fully equipped vehicles with specialist tools to ensure that all types of aircon installation can undergo competent maintenance.

Whether you require air conditioning repair services or installation, you can guarantee that the experts at Gold Class Air experts will offer you only the most effective solutions to cater to your individual lifestyle and budget requirements! 

Offering an end-to-end service from quality aircon installation to air conditioning repair services, split system installation, and thorough air conditioning duct cleaning, our team of specialists are committed to extending the life of your air conditioner.

Are you ready to enhance the functionality of your air conditioner? Whether you have a split system air conditioner installation or a ducted system, call a Gold Class Air technician today on 1300 320 888 for fast and reliable aircon services.

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