10+ Years Experience in Installation, Servicing & Maintenance

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I have had the pleasure of using Shane over the last few years to work on my Daikin AC. The service and workmanship is second to none and always turns up on time. My ducted AC has never worked better since Shane started taking care of it. I have now hooked him up to look after our whole complex of 8 town houses and all the other owners love the professionalism of Shane and his team. I highly recommend Shane to anyone and trust me you will not be disappointed.

George Zouki

An absolutely sensational team! The guys show immense pride not only in their punctuality and work but also their knowledge and wilfulness to go that extra mile! With air con being such an important investment and so costly if you get it wrong you can rest assure that Shane and the team will leave with you with nothing but confidence that you have received the very best in service, quality of work and value

Stone Real Estate